Starting up a new company...

To set up a limited liability company you´ll need proceed the following steps

  1. conclusion of the company contract in the form of a notarial deed
  2. settlement of the company's capital, or part
  3. obtaining business licenses (trade licenses, etc..)
  4. registration in the Commercial Register
  5. registration the company at the tax office

Drafting and signing the company contract

By drafting and signing the company contract is limited liability company based. You have to write company contract in the form of a notarial deed.

Company contract must contain by Commercial Code §110

  1. name and address of the company
  2. determination of shareholders indicating the name or names and addresses of legal persons or the name and residence of individual
  3. course of business (activities)
  4. amount of capital and the deposit amount of each shareholder
  5. name and address of the executive directors and way, how they act on behalf of the company
  6. names and residences of the members of the Supervisory Board, if established
  7. determination of deposit controller
  8. other information required by the Commercial Code

Suitable and safe conditions for doing business have existed in the Czech Republic for years and have made the country very attractive for investors. Business for sole proprietors and corporations has developed well. The stability and sustainable development of the country are promoted by the activities of both the government and non-profit organizations.

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